
Angelina Jolie Fillter ( Makeup + Face deformation)

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Angelina Jolie Fillter ( Makeup + Face deformation)


Filter inspired in the look of the Actress Angelina Jolie.

This filter contain: 

- Eyeshadow

- Eyeliner,

- Highlight

- Contour

- Lipstick ( w/ lip gloss)

- Grey eye color 

- Deformation now allowed on IG ( make jaw and cheekbones more defined, lips bigger, nose smaller and eyebrows more arched)

File ready to upload but you can edit and use the materials in your filter.

Try before buy here: https://www.instagram.com/ar/330451484745706/?ch=NTQzYTRjOTE1M2M5NDRiYzVlMzJmYWUwOTI1MWMyNDE%3D

* You can use the textures in personal or client's project but not resell any part of this project.

If the link doesnt work contact me in the instagram @jhonyaugust

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